Membership is by invitation only, and prospective members are nominated by existing members. Invitation for membership is extended to those women who have achieved success in their chosen field and whose interests are aligned with the objectives of the Forum. A prospective member is recognized as a leader in her field both inside and outside her own organization. The Forum strives for diversity of membership in many areas including field of expertise, ethnicity, age, and public, private and non-profit companies and organizations.
Our Members
- Gina Adams
Corporate Executive Vice President, General Counsel, and SecretaryFedEx Corp
- Swati Adarkar
Deputy Assistant Secretary, Early EducationUS Department of Education
- Shanna Batten Aguirre
Senior Counterterrorism Justice AdvisorUS Department of State
- Kim Alfonso
CEO & Co-FounderResults One LLC
- S. Kathryn Allen
Co-PresidentAnswer Title & Escrow LLC
- Rosie Allen-Herring
President and Chief Executive OfficerUnited Way of the National Capital Area
- Lisa Alvarez-Calderón
Founder and PrincipalShine Consulting
- Rohini Anand
SVP Corporate Responsibility & Global Chief Diversity OfficerSodexo
- Denise Anderson
- Susan Apgood
Executive Vice President4media group, inc.
- Kimberly Archer
Managing DirectorRussell Reynolds Associates
- Shavon Arline-Bradley
President & CEONational Council of Negro Women, Inc.
- Erin Bagshaw
Nurse Practitioner/President/FounderNorthwest Nurse Practitioner Associates Inc.
- Ivonne Baki
AmbassadorEmbassy of Ecuador
- HRH Ambassador Reema Bandar Al-Saud
Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Lisa Banks
PartnerKatz Banks Kumin
- Esther Barazzone
President EmeritusChatham University
- Johnine Barnes Harley
ShareholderGreenberg Traurig
- Emily Barrosse
Founder & CEOBold Story Press
- Judith Batty
Board MemberMetropolitan Washington Airport Authority
- Omi Bell
CEO & FounderBlack Girl Ventures
- Brigida Benitez
PartnerSteptoe & Johnson LLP
- Lettie Bien
US Army Reserve Ambassador EmeritusUS Army
- Nicole Bintner-Bakshian
AmbassadorEmbassy of Luxembourg
- Marion Blakey
President & CEO (Retired)Rolls Royce North America
- Amb. Julia Bloch
PresidentU.S. China Education Trust
- Brooksley Born
Retired PartnerArnold & Porter LLP
- Dana Born
Brigadier General USAF RetiredHarvard University
- Kristina Bouweiri
President & CEOReston Limousine
- Muriel Bowser
MayorWashington DC
- Gwendolyn Boyd
Executive DirectorThe Links Foundation, Inc
- Mary Brady
President & CEOThe Economic Club of Washington DC
- Heidi Brock
President & CEOAmerican Forest & Paper Association
- Anne Bryant
Executive Director EmeritaNational School Boards Association
- Cheryl Burgess
Medical DirectorCenter for Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery
- Sylvia Burwell
PresidentAmerican University
- Geraldine Byrne Nason
AmbassadorEmbassy of Ireland
- Valerie Callender
Medical DirectorCallender Dermatology & Cosmetic Center
- Holly Cannon
Executive Vice President and General CounselThe Conservation Fund
- Kathleen Carr
DirectorChevy Chase Land Company
- Margaret Cary
CEOThe Cary Group
- Wendy Chamberlin
Ambassador (retired)Former President Middle East Institute
- Kathryn Checchi
Principal/AttorneyChecchi Capital Advisers LLC
- Mary Cheh
ProfessorGeorge Washington University Law School
- Juanita Christensen
Executive Director, Technical DirectorateDefense Contract Management Agency
- Makeba Clay
Vice President, Diversity, Equity, and InclusionThe Pew Charitable Trusts
- Eleanor Clift
CorrespondentThe Daily Beast
- Nicole Cober
Founder & CEOThe BOW Collective
- Annice Cody
PresidentHoly Cross Health Network
- Dana Cole
Executive DirectorHardwood Federation
- Faye Coleman
Founder and CEOFEC Coaching Enterprises LLC
- Jennifer Collins
President & CEOJDC Events
- Kathleen Cox
FellowLeadership and Society
- Catalina Crespo Sancho
AmbassadorEmbassy of Costa Rica
- Molly Culhane
Senior Vice President Mid-Atlantic DirectorAmalgamated Bank of New York
- Nathalie Cunningham
Managing DirectorStrategic Investment Group
- Barbara Dale
PresidentDale Enterprises Inc.
- Jennifer (J.J.) Davis
Executive Vice President & Chief Operating OfficerUniversity of Virginia
- Susan Davis
ChairmanSusan Davis International
- June DeHart
PartnerManatt Phelps & Phillips LLP
- Vivian Derryck
Founder & President EmeritaThe Bridges Institute
- Janet Dhillon
- Debbie Dingell
CongresswomanU.S. Congress
- Cari Dominguez
- Jenna Dorn
PresidentJenna Dorn LLC
- Charlene Dukes
President (retired)Prince George's Community College
- Rebecca Dye
CommissionerFederal Maritime Commission
- Kristin Ehrgood
CEO & Board ChairFlamboyan Foundation
- Alice Eldridge
SVP, General Counsel and Corporate SecretaryBAE Systems
- Bergdis Ellertsdottir
AmbassadorEmbassy of Iceland
- Michela English
Strategic Advisor & Private Investor
- Ana Escrogima
Ambassador to OmanU.S. State Department
- Denise Evans
VP Diverse Business Partner Development (retired)IBM
- Jane Evans
President EmeritaMount Vernon College
- Tekisha Everette
Executive Vice PresidentTrust for America's Health
- Debra Facktor
Head of U.S. Space SystemsAirbus U.S. Space & Defense Inc.
- Karen Feldstein
Associate Administrator for International and Interagency RelationsNational Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
- Nuria Fernandez
Principal/CEOAMDC Consulting, LLC
- Nan Fife
Retired Senior Diplomat, U.S. Department of StateTeacher, English Empowerment Center
- Betsy Fischer Martin
Executive DirectorWomen & Politics Institute American University
- Lauri Fitz-Pegado
PresidentLJFP Inc and Beyond the Ballet Barre (BTBB)
- Elizabeth Fitzsimmons
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization OperationsUS State Department
- Tracy Fitzsimmons
PresidentShenandoah University
- Ann Ford
Partner & Executive Director Clients SectorDLA Piper
- Henrietta Fore
- Lesli Foster
Evening Anchor/Impact CorrespondentWUSA9 TV
- Stephenie Foster
PartnerSmash Strategies
- Barbara Franklin
President and CEOBarbara Franklin Enterprises
- Robin Ganzert
President & CEOAmerican Humane
- Lou-Anne Gilchrist
AmbassadorEmbassy of St. Vincent and the Grenadines
- Valentina Glaviano
Managing DirectorStrategic Investment Group
- Victoria Gottlieb
Strategic Consultant; Loyalty, Customer Experience and PartnershipsVictoria Gottlieb
- J. Nadine Gracia
President & CEOTrust for America's Health
- Virginia Green
General CounselGMD
- Linda Greenhouse
Senior Research Scholar in LawYale Law School
- Diane Groomes
Director of SecurityDistrict Wharf Association
- Laura Grüb
President/FounderLG Enterprises/MNI
- Vivianna Guzman
Executive DirectorI-ACT for Children
- Michele Hagans
President & CEOFort Lincoln New Town Corporation
- Renee Hall
CEOTUU Enterprises LLC
- Artis Hampshire-cowan
Founder & PrincipalLeveraged Leadership Group LLC
- Ann Hand
Founder & CEOAnn Hand LLC
- Cary Hatch
CEO (ret) and Senior CounselHart|MDB+
- Kristiina Helenius
CEOInternational Sanctions and Export Control Society
- Kirsten Hillman
AmbassadorEmbassy of Canada
- Amoretta Hoeber
PresidentAMH Consulting
- Ellie Hollander
President & CEOMeals on Wheels America
- Mary Holt
Managing PartnerMary Davis Holt Enterprises LLC
- Lane Hopkins
Managing Director Chief Talent OfficerHarris Williams
- Marian Horn
JudgeUS Court of Federal Claims
- Diane Hoskins
Global ChairGensler
- Gale Hurd
Producer & CEOValhalla Entertainment
- Alice Isenberg
Chief Engineer, Biomedical Division InnovationThe MITRE Corporation
- Karla Jackson
Senior Procurement Executive, Deputy Chief Acquisition Officer and Assistant Administrator for ProcurementNASA
- Odessa Jackson Peterson
General Counsel, Chief Ethics and Compliance OfficerThe United Way Worldwide
- Shamim Jawad
Founder & PresidentAyenda Foundation
- Kimberly Jeffries Leonard
17th National PresidentThe Links Incorporated & Links Foundation
- Anna Johnson
Washington Bureau ChiefAssociated Press
- Kimberly Jones
Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education College of Engineering and ArchitectureHoward University
- Elena Kagan
Associate JusticeSupreme Court of the United States
- Debra Katz
PartnerKatz Banks Kumin LLP
- Kitty Kelley
- Anastasia Kelly
Managing Partner (Americas)DLA Piper LLP
- Mary Kennard
Vice President and General Counsel (retired)American University
- Paula Kerger
President and CeoPublic Broadcasting Service (PBS)
- Emily Kirkpatrick
Executive DirectorNational Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)
- Marie Kissel
Senior Advisor, Global Government AffairsAbbott
- Dorothy Kosinski
Director EmeritaThe Phillips Collection
- Barbara Krumsiek
Board MemberArabesque Investments
- Charito Kruvant
Founder & ChairpersonCreative Associates International
- Janice Lachance
Interim Executive DirectorAmerican Geophysical Union
- Carolyn Lamm
PartnerWhite & Case
- Barbara Lang
Managing Principal & CEOLang Strategies LLC
- DeDe Lea
EVP Global Public Policy and Government RelationsParamount
- Nancy LeaMond
Executive Vice PresidentAARP
- Debra Lehman Smith
- Gail Letts
- Jenny Luray
Senior Vice President, Strategy and Public EngagementResearch!America
- Maguy Maccario Doyle
AmbassadorEmbassy of Monaco
- Kathryn MacLane
PresidentAgir LTD
- Hajia Mahama
AmbassadorEmbassy of Ghana
- Lilit Makunts
AmbassadorEmbassy of Armenia
- Audrey Marks
AmbassadorEmbassy of Jamaica
- Linda Mathes
Special Advisor Bipartisan Leadership ProjectFormer CEO American Red Cross in the National Capital Region
- Melissa Maxman
Managing Partner DC OfficeCohen & Gresser LLP
- Loren Mayor
Chief Operating OfficerWorld Wildlife Fund
- Mara Mayor
- Ambassador Deborah McCarthy
Senior Advisor CybercrimeUS Dept of State
- Katherine McGrady
President & CEOCNA
- Vashti McKenzie
President & General SecretaryNational Council of Churches
- Nina McLemore
CEO / FounderNina McLemore Inc.
- Pamela Melroy
Deputy AdministratorNASA
- Laura Meyers
President & CEOPlanned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington DC
- Barbara Mikulski
U.S. Senator (Retired)Professor of Public Policy Johns Hopkins University
- LaVern Miles
Senior Vice PresidentAmalgamated Bank
- Barbara Mistick
PresidentNAICU - National Association of Independent Colleges & Universities
- Linda Moore
President & CEOTechNet
- Manar Morales
President & CEOThe Diversity & Flexibility Alliance
- Nancy Nord
Of CounselOlsson Frank Weeda Terman Matz (OFWLaw)
- Elizabeth Oliver-Farrow
President & CEO (Retired)The Oliver Group Inc.
- Cheryl Packwood
Visiting Assistant Professor of LawAlbany Law School
- Susan Paley
CEO & Executive Leadership CoachBright Spots Coaching
- Wendy Pangburn
PresidentPangburn International LLC
- Susan Pascocello
General CounselChemonics International, Inc.
- Kate Perrin
Executive LeadershipSmithsonian Women's Committee
- Susan Peterson
FounderThe Communication Center
- Gale Pollock
Health Care ConsultantPollock Associates LLC
- Hilary Provinse
EVP--Head of Mortgage BankingBerkadia Commercial Mortgage
- Linda Rabbitt
Chairman & CEOrand* construction corporation
- Kirby Rattenbury
Audit & Assurance PartnerDeloitte & Touche
- Sigrun Rawet
Executive DirectorWorld Bank Group
- Carla Reid
General Manager/CEO (ret)WSSC Water
- Veta Richardson
President & CEOAssociation of Corporate Counsel
- Andrea Roane Skehan
News Anchor/Health Reporter (Ret.)WUSA9
- Sally Roberts
Co-Founder & CEOWrestle Like A Girl
- Marietta Robinson
CommissionerConsumer Products Safety Commission
- Maria Rodriguez
President & CEOVanguard Communications
- Lesa Roe
President & CEOFront Roe Services LLC
- Covette Rooney
Chief JudgeU.S. Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission
- Patricia Rosier
President/OwnerPAM Enterprises Realty
- Deborah Rutter
PresidentThe John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
- Carole Samango-Sprouse
Executive DirectorThe Focus Foundation
- Susan Sarfati
CEOHigh Performance Strategies
- Melanie Saunders
Senior Director, ADP Global PartnershipsBlue Origin
- Karen Schaeffer
FounderSchaeffer Financial LLC
- Rhea Schwartz
ChairISU Adult Figure Skating Committee
- Stephanie Shack
General Counsel, Senior Vice PresidentContinental Realty Corp
- Sheila Shaffer
Managing DirectorRockefeller Global Family Office
- Rita Shapiro
Nonprofit Consultant
- Mollie Shields Uehling
CEO (ret)SAFE-BioPharma Association
- Carol Sisco
PrincipalSisco Associates
- Judy A. Smith
Founder & PresidentSmith & Company
- Nicole Smith
OwnerNicole A. Smith PLLC
- Trisch Smith
Global Chief DEI OfficerEdelman
- Michele Snyder
PrincipalMSV LLC
- Jeri Somers
Judge (ret)American Arbitration Association and The McCammon Group
- Lidia Soto-Harmon
President and CEOStudent Conservation Association
- Sonia Sotomayor
Associate JusticeSupreme Court of the United States
- Courtney Spaeth
CEO[growth] period
- Grace Speights
Managing PartnerMorgan Lewis
- Terrie Spiro
Financial Services Executive and ConsultantTNP Financial Enterprise Consulting
- Sheila Stamps
Financial Executive and Board Director
- Christine Steinberg
Executive Vice President/Chief Services Officer North American RegionVW Credit Inc
- Ann Stock
Former Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs; White House Social SecretaryUS Department of State
- Anne Stone
FounderAnne L. Stone & Associates LLC
- Sandra Swain
Associate Dean for Research DevelopmentGeorgetown University Medical Center
- Dawn Sweeney
Strategic PartnerJLL
- Deborah Tannen
University ProfessorGeorgetown University
- Rebecca Taylor
Executive Vice PresidentNCMS
- Sandra Taylor
CEOSustainable Business International
- Karyn Temple
SVP and Global General CounselMotion Picture Association Inc
- Lydia Thomas
President & CEO (retired)Noblis Inc.
- Carol Thompson Cole
President & CEO (retired)Youth Invest Partners
- Constance Tipton
President & CEO (Retired)International Dairy Foods Asscoiation
- Diane Tomb
CEOAmerican Land Title Association
- Lena Trudeau
President & CEOFu Associates, Ltd.
- Stephanie Tsacoumis
Managing PartnerPebble Beach Associates
- Marna Tucker
Senior PartnerTucker Family Law
- Lauren Van Wazer
Vice President Global Public Policy & Regulatory AffairsAkamai Technologies
- Judith Walter
Adjunct ProfessorCatholic University
- Carolyn Westermann
- Wendelin White
Of CounselGoulston & Storrs PC
- Sherry Williams
Chief Risk OfficerAtlantic Union Bank
- Verna Williams
CEOEqual Justice Works
- Ruth Williams-Brinkley
Founder & PresidentRWB Advisory Services
- Phyllis Wilson
PresidentMilitary Women's Memorial Foundation
- Heather Wingate
Senior Vice President, Government AffairsDelta Air Lines
- Mary Yates
Ambassador (ret)U.S. State Department
- Gwen Young
CEOWomen Business Collaborative