Members in the News

May Member of the Month - Kate Perrin

May 2024
Kate Perrin, the founder of PRofessional Solutions LLC, is the May Member of the Month in a new interview series launched by IWF-DC VP of Communications Susan Apgood to showcase women leaders and get to know one another better.

Q&A with Kate Perrin

Q: Tell us about you, where you work.

Since closing PRofessional Solutions, LLC, the area's only public relations temporary staffing agency I ran for 26 years, I'm happily channeling my time and energies into fun and worthy causes. The bulk of my time is as part of the leadership of the Smithsonian Women's Committee, which funds Smithsonian projects in science, education and the arts with funds we raise from the Smithsonian Craft Show and Craft2Wear. I'm also very involved with the Women's Advisory Board of the Girl Scouts our future leaders!

Q: How long have you been an IWF member?
I joined IWF in 2018, nominated by the dynamic Lidia Soto Harmon. I had been unfamiliar with IWF, but was delighted when I found I knew a number of other members.

Q: How has your career benefited from being an IWF member?
I think the benefit of IWF, professionally and personally, is expanding your horizon as you engage with women leaders from so many different careers and knowledge areas. It's easy to get comfortable in our own circle and issues, but it's exhilarating to hear about and learn so much more from new friends and colleagues who are experts in completely different spheres.  

Q: What excites you the most right now?
Working on service projects, most prominently my involvement with Girl Scouts of the Nation's Capital the largest Council in the US and my total involvement as co-chair of this fall's Smithsonian Craft2Wear show! 

Q: What are you reading or listening to? 
One of my favorite authors is Candace Millard, who makes important events in history thrilling and gripping to read.  I loved "River of Doubt" and "Destiny of the Republic" (which Netflix is producing as a miniseries), and am just starting "Hero of the Empire."

Q: Any tips or advice for new members? 
I started out going to fun things  -- a reception for IWF-DC at the Spanish Ambassador's home, a bourbon tasting at Ris, a dine around at a member's home, etc. and then served three years on the Membership Committee.  Just come to a few things that appeal to you and you'll start to meet and connect with other members while having some fun.

Q: Do you have any hobbies?
Can volunteerism be a hobby?! I learn so much from organizations in which I participate, from Dress for Success to Washington Women in Public Relations, IWF to Girl Scouts, the Smithsonian Women's Committee to the American University Library Council.  And all of them have included enriching adventures and new friends along the way.

Favorite place you've traveled?
In the past two years I've loved experiencing Oaxaca and San Miguel de Allende in Mexico, which I had long wanted to visit. Travel with and among IWF sisters to Helsinki for the IWF International Conference last spring was a remarkable experience, and Finland was fascinating. 

But my lasting favorite, to which I return annually, is the foothills of the Santa Catalina Mountains outside Tucson, Arizona for a vacation/business retreat at Miraval Resort. The setting and the resort pampering are unparalleled, but it's perfect because it's with a group of "Boss Ladies" started 20 years ago, colleagues who have become the most treasured of friends.